Artworks 4
Billy blends everyday sayings with older phrases and rhyming slang to create humorous, pieces that bring a mix of wit and pure joy to walls all over the globe. Combining visuals, personification and wordplay, Billy creates pieces with a thought-provoking message that make the viewer stop for a second.
Billy finds humour and solace in the English language. With an interest in etymology and the general evolution of language, his ideas often come from reading old texts, idioms, and listening to things children say.
He’s also big fan of double-entendres. Living and working in London, Billy initially made art as a hobby to bring life and colour to his own walls and as an outlet to clear his mind. Inspired by classic typographic signage, today his distinctive, typographic style aims to bring a smile to the viewer. As every piece is hand-drawn, the thought may be the same, but each execution is bespoke to its owner.