Artworks 8
C.A.Halpin is based in East London. Her work covers a wide range of contemporary themes and subjects, often reacting to political and social events. She has an MA in Illustration from the Royal College of Art. She has exhibited at the V&A Museum of Childhood and has work in the Jeu de Paume, Centre Pompidou, La Musee D'Orsay, La Musee des Sables D'Ollones. Her work is commissioned and collected internationally. She also curates and collaborates with a diverse range of artists under the name The Outside World AllStars.
Current projects include:
The Rise and Falls of The Invisible Woman
The Treasures of Little Fish Hall, with artist Toby Holmes
Hunter Follows His Nose, a short story, published by Ambitious Outsiders Press
The Dog Said Nothing, a book of short stories published by Ambitious Outsiders Press
The Invisible Woman, a performative photography project.