Surprise me

NEVRDULL Hand Pulled Varnish and Diamond Dust Screen Print

By Oli Fowler

This screenprint emerges from a curated collection of tin cans and toys meticulously arranged into a captivating still life. The creative process begins with the arrangement of objects, followed by the capture of images that serve as the foundation. Transitioning to the digital realm of Photoshop, Fowler breathes life into the composition, infusing it with a painterly quality reminiscent of the artist's childhood memories.

The artwork titled "Never Dull" stands as a personal reminder for Fowler, encapsulating the belief that life is a canvas waiting to be filled with vibrancy. The phrase becomes a mantra, urging the artist and viewers alike to embrace the notion that life is never mundane but rather a canvas for individual interpretation and creativity. Through this piece, Fowler encourages the audience to rediscover beauty in the overlooked and forgotten objects, fostering a connection to the nostalgia of the past.

Edition of 100


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